Progression. When I bought my first Glimakra floor loom, I was sure it was the only loom I would ever need. A few years later, I saw an ad for a bigger, used Glimakra, and days later, I rented a van and brought it home too.
Since then, my studio has gradually expanded to include several Swedish band looms, a couple of inkle looms, a Japanese marudai for braiding, and most recently, a beautiful Louet spinning wheel. Over the years, my understanding of weaving technique, fibers and structure has been largely due to the excellent classes and workshops given by Becky Ashenden at Vavstuga Weaving School in Shelburne Falls, MA.
A chance click on a website in 2012 landed me on Bryan Whitehead's listing for a 10 day Japanese Textile workshop outside Tokyo. Without hesitation, I signed up and began my exploration of indigo dyeing, shibori, katazome and silk reeling. I returned a couple of years later to learn how to cut, dye and sew by hand a traditional Japanese work jacket. Those experiences led me to begin dyeing my own fibers with natural dyes.
I will continue to learn and refine the techniques I currently know. But one thing leads to another... so I invite you to follow me as I continue on this path. For more images of my work, please click on the links above, and visit my Pinterest page,
Barbara Lyons Pickel